Concern for Whales
Yes, the protection of whales and ocean habitat is a great concern of World Wildlife Fund. If current trends continue unabated, several whale species will be lost in the coming decades. With the support of its members and international conservation partners, WWF is working to ensure that whales, dolphins and porpoises will swim in our seas for generations to come.
Strengthening management policies for better protection of cetaceans, particularly within the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), has long been a crucial part of WWF's mission. WWF continues to support the expansion of whale watching in Norway, a whaling nation, and Iceland, a country that continually threatens to resume whaling.
Please visit our Endangered Wildlife section for information on WWF Conservation Results related to whales.
Strengthening management policies for better protection of cetaceans, particularly within the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), has long been a crucial part of WWF's mission. WWF continues to support the expansion of whale watching in Norway, a whaling nation, and Iceland, a country that continually threatens to resume whaling.
Please visit our Endangered Wildlife section for information on WWF Conservation Results related to whales.
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